The Trusted Full-Life Cycle Grants Management Solution

Why choose us?
For over two decades, Dulles Technology Partners has provided high quality grants management solutions to the Federal Government, State and Local Governments, Colleges and Universities, Health Care Organizations and Non-Profits.

Robust Functionality
WebGrants has been utilized by grant-making organizations since 2001. Every type of federal grant program that exists has been implemented in the WebGrants system. The default grants management workflow that is supported by WebGrants will support 90% of all clients out of the box with minimal customization or deviation.

The WebGrants software is straightforward and minimalistic in design. Users can effectively and easily engage with the system with minimal instruction and training. Applicants typically receive no formal education from our clients and have absolutely no problem submitting when applications and managing their grants.

The WebGrants software is configured through a built-in tool to support forms, workflows and business rules of each client. Each grant program’s applications, contracts, status reports, invoices, and site visits are created within the system to mirror client’s current processes. Nuanced business rules can be added to support client specific functionality.

Cost Effective
Dulles Technology Partners works within the budget of each client. A single enterprise license is purchased only once. This license grants clients unlimited use for an unlimited number of Users and data. After training, clients can then implement their own programs, forms and even workflows saving money and being self-sufficient.
Get in touch now for a free WebGrants Demo. Click here

WebGrants can be configured to serve all of your grant management needs.
Over 20 years of rich experience
Hundreds of customers implemented
Billions of grant dollars managed
The Grants Management Leader
Register Users, Establish Funding, Post Opportunities, Submit Applications, Receive Notifications.
Assign Reviewers, Establish Evaluation Criteria, Review Applications, Support of Revisions/Budget Modifications, Award Applications.
Manage Contracts, Claims, Status Reports, Site Visits, Amendments, Closeout, and Reporting.
WebGrants can be accessed from anywhere in the world at any time using any device from work, home, or elsewhere.