A Rich and Robust System to Support all Your Needs

WebGrants is a comprehensive Grant Management System with rich and robust features that have been added to the system over many years.
All documents are part of a workflow. An inherent workflow exists over the entire grant management lifecycle. Then each document type has its own workflow. A unique workflow exists for opportunities, applications, reviews, grants, status reports, claims and all other documents. All workflows within the system are flexible and configurable. Examples of workflow parameters include the staff involved, the security access rights of those staff, the number of approval levels, branching logic for dollar amount thresholds, negotiation/correcting processes, exception cases and others. Workflows can be configured on a global level and for each program area. Some workflow parameters can also be set on a per funding opportunity basis. Exception cases and unique departures are also supported on a case-by-case basis.
Configurable dashboards are supported in the WebGrants system. Dashboards will display work that has been routed to specific users. In addition, dashboards will display rollup, statistical information for management, staff or grantees. Dashboards can be configured on a per user basis. What information a person sees on their dashboard is configurable on an individual basis and users can sort the data in a specific order.
The People and Organization modules are a full contact management system built into the WebGrants system. People can be added as WebGrants users or as contacts. Once in the system, staff can send emails, alerts, distribution lists and other communications. Contacts can be collected, managed and organized within the WebGrants system. All users have roles and strict security access defined in the system. External users can be added by staff, or they can register and added to the system via a new user approval process. Users can be deactivated or temporarily disabled and reenabled by program staff. All changes are logged in the audit log.
People are associated to organizations. A single person can belong to one or more organizations and a single organization can have many members. Each organization has a profile with many profile fields including the name, address, contact information, website and others. Clients can customize the organization profile and add any number of additional fields to the profile using the form creator tool. The organization information can be updated by both internal staff and the external organization members. The data from the organization will auto copy into the application, grant and other documents.
Awards are money that is received by the client. This money can come from the federal, state or local government or from private contributions. Each award has a profile in the system. This profile includes additional information about the award like the award number, name, amount, type, benefactor, CFDA number, start/end dates and other data. Once the award is created, staff can subdivide the award into one or more fund sources. Each fund source can be used for grants, loans or internal administration. Each fund source has a coding block or a path to the client’s financial accounting system where this money exists. Staff associates one or more fund sources with each awarded grant and commits a certain amount to fund the grant. The funds in each fund source are used to pay the grantee when the grantee submits claims. Grants can be funded from a single source or multiple sources. The percentage of money awarded, allocated, spent and unspent is displayed per fund source.
Funding opportunities can be posted for each program area. There is no limit to the number of FOs that can be posted at one time. Grantees can view all the posted FOs in the system. If they choose, they can apply to one or more FOs. Each FO can have a completely unique application document that the grantee completes and submits within the system. Funding opportunities can be posted for a specific date range, or they can be posted indefinitely. When the end date is reached, the system will shut down the FO and late submissions will not be allowed.
WebGrants contains a complete online application process. Staff can post funding opportunities online for prospective applicants to view. An applicant can create an application by starting a new application or by copying the contents of an old application. Staff can define a 1 or 2 stage application process with a pre-application followed by a final application or just a single final application process. Application forms are created and maintained by client administrators using the form creator tool. Using this tool staff can dictate the questions asked on the forms, they can define the instructions, questions and answer format; whether questions are required or optional, the data type required (date, text, number, drop down, percentage, etc.), any branching logic, maximum length of the answer, any mathematical calculations, and other business rules. There is no limit to the length and complexity of the application.
Users can develop their line itemized budgets in the system. Users can define budget line items like salaries, equipment, travel, etc. Not only can they enter various numbers and perform calculations, but they can also define the overall layout and structure of the budget itself. By using the form creator tool, users can define their own budget forms and templates. Once these are defined, users can enter numbers and perform mathematical calculations, subtotals, and totals. Once a budget is developed, it can be linked. For example, if the budget is developed in the application, it can be easily copied into the grant. There is no need for any data reentry. Budgets can be unique to a particular program area, grant competition or an individual grant. Budgets can also be created at a global level where all documents use the same budget.
WebGrants supports a full lifecycle system including the ability to assign reviews to applications. The Panels module allows staff to define users as reviewers and then assign those reviewers applications to review. WebGrants also supports a Conflict-of-Interest process and a full application evaluation process with customizable review forms and automated scoring and reporting of average scores. WebGrants fully supports the application review process and workflow. Applicants submit their applications online through the system. Staff then routes the applications to various reviewers. Each assignment has a due date. Reviewers can then read each assigned application and they can enter their scores and comments online through online evaluation forms. WebGrants will average all reviewer scores for each application and present the list of applications sorted by score. Staff can then determine the awarded and not awarded applications. WebGrants can then create award letters and receive electronic signatures.
WebGrants contains a comprehensive grant management module called grant tracking for all post award management activities. Each grant is subdivided into many components. Components are used to track various aspects of the grant like the budget, objectives, scope of work, progress reports, payments, contracts, site visits, contract amendments and any other required monitoring or oversite. All the forms associated with a grant are created by the administrator using the form creator tool. All aspects of the grant are user defined and setup according to unique workflows and business rules. Data and forms can flow through the grant management process without the need for any data reentry. Application forms like the scope of work and the budget will link automatically into the grant. Also, once in the grant, these forms can link automatically to the status reports and claims. Meaning that objectives, goals and accomplishments promised in the application can seamlessly transfer to the grantee progress reports without any manual intervention. User defined business rules enforce grantee compliance and built-in automated alerts keep both internal and external staff reminded of all important due dates.
The WebGrants contract module allows staff to define any number of contract templates within the system. These templates can contain both boilerplate text and dynamic data mappings to grant data such as the grantee’s name, budget amounts, scope of work, delivery schedule and other data. Once this document is defined, this document can be generated for each individual grant. Staff can then further edit the contract. The contract can be routed for signature within the system. Both internal staff and the grantee can sign the document electronically within the system. The contract can be printed in both HTML and PDF formats.
The WebGrants software allows clients to design and define unique status reports that require grantees to periodically report upon both financial and non-financial progress. These status reports can include key performance indicators, programmatic progress reporting and compliance. The status report is created using the form creator tool. Clients can configure the reports themselves at any time. Data from the application, grant and other documents can be automatically copied to the status report. Data from the grant can be automatically linked to the status report. This process allows for project progress report monitoring.
Claims in the system can be for reimbursements, advance payments or lump sum payments. All claims are based upon the budget as the budget is defined in the grant. The system will automatically copy the budget format from the grant into the claim. The grantee will enter their expense information into specific fields for expenses this period and matching information. Other fields like the fields copied form the budget are not editable for the grantee. The grantee can enter their expenses this period for each budget line item. The system will enforce business rules like the grantee cannot request more money than is available in the entire budget, or they cannot request more money than what is available in a budget line item, or the grantee can request up to 10% more than what is in a single budget line item if they do not exceed the overall budget amount. The claim can also be customized using the form creator and the grantee can attach any number of electronic files as backup documentation.
Contract amendments are a standard component of the grant. Amendments can be used for making changes to any aspect of the grant. The amendment document can be created by the grantee or by internal staff. The amendment can be created to extend the grant duration, modify the budget, change the scope of work or for any other reason. This document is routed through a multi-level internal approval process. Once approved, staff can make the requested changes to any aspect of the grant.
WebGrants supports a complete site visit process. Staff can define site visit forms that will be used in the site visit process via the form creator. Once created these forms can be assigned to staff to enter site visit information. Forms can be sent to the grantee prior to the site visit to prepare them for the pending site visit. The site visitor can also be assigned forms to complete and a due date for when the site visit must be completed. The site visitor will enter their information and submit the documents. Staff can then review the forms and the data. Staff can also assign site visit forms to the grantee after the site visit to request corrections and remediations to any findings. This process can be repeated any number of times on a single project.
The inventory module allows clients to track equipment, supplies, vehicles, capital purchases, homes and other types of data in the system. Inventory items can be added to the system independent of an application or a grant. Once added, the inventory item can be associated with an application or a grant. Inventory documents can be defined in the form creator. Each type of inventory item can have its own forms. For example, a vehicle may track different information from office equipment. Inventory items can be reused over time and tracked within the system. Other data that is tracked for each inventory item includes current location, compliance, monitoring, planning, expenses, acquisition, maintenance and disposal.
The WebGrants software supports over 90 different automated email alerts. These emails are sent under a wide range of business rules. An automated email alert is sent to the applicant when the applicant submits their application and other alerts are sent as the status of the application changes. The admin can configure the text in all email alerts. The admin can edit the boilerplate text and can insert variables that resolve when the email is sent. This allows the email to include information like the recipient's name, application title, status, due date and other dynamic information.
Award letters can be generated directly from the system via award letter templates. Templates are created and maintained by the administrator. Within the template users can define variable placeholders. These placeholders will resolve to the actual data when the template is used for a specific grant. These variable placeholders can be used to bring in contact information, budget data, funding source information, scope of work and other data. The system will thus generate a fully formed document. This document can then be emailed or printed or saved as a PDF or Word document.
WebGrants contains both standard and ad hoc reports. Any field in the system can be reporting on in the reporting module. Any field in the system can be used as filter criteria. Users can specify parameters like filtering, sorting, grouping, subtotaling and others. Reports can be exported to a wide variety of formats like PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, CSV, and others.
The WebGrants software contains a powerful form creator tool that allows staff to create and define their own forms, fields, business rules and workflows. The software allows users to create their own fields. These fields can have many different parameters like required/optional, text or numbers, maximum characters and others. Since every client will require different fields and different forms, WebGrants is a blank canvas upon which different clients can develop different data reporting requirements. Once configured, the WebGrants software will be tailored specifically for the client and will incorporate all client specific data elements and business rules.
WebGrants has full role-based security access rights defined by the system administer. The system admin creates all security roles based upon about 160 different security privileges. Once the role is defined, the role can be assigned to any user. A single user can have one or more roles. Roles can be defined for the system administrator, client staff, reviewers and applicants.
Dulles Technology Partners is available to provide telephone, email, and virtual support for the client’s WebGrants installation. We will maintain and support the base WebGrants code and all tailoring and configurations applied during the configuration under our Annual Maintenance and Support Plan.
Dulles Technology Partners will provide full system training for all staff on full system usage and maintenance. Dulles Technology Partners personnel will conduct on-site training at client’s facilities or offsite training via web conference before final software deployment. Dulles Technology Partners will utilize WebGrants software and data that mirrors the production system. A qualified WebGrants instructor who is familiar with client’s specific requirements and functionality will conduct training. Training will occur in a classroom setting covering all major modules and functionality of WebGrants. The instructor will lead the class through exercises that provide real world scenarios. One-on-one interaction with students will be provided as needed during the classes. The Dulles Technology Partners trainer will deliver the course outline for each training session before the training day. This document will contain an outline of the training areas and exercises to be conducted during the class. This information will be customized to meet the specific training needs of the client.
Dulles Technology Partners uses Amazon AWS EC2 hosting as described by this link: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/details/ also, Dulles Technology Partners uses Amazon AWS EBS for storage as described by this link https://aws.amazon.com/ebs/details/
Dulles Technology Partners offers FedRAMP compliant hosting with Amazon AWS GovGloud (US). AWS GovCloud (US) is an isolated AWS region designed to host sensitive data and regulated workloads in the cloud. Dulles Technology Partners uses this service to help customers support their US government compliance requirements, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) requirements. AWS services the region with U.S. persons, the region is built on U.S. soil, and only vetted U.S. persons are permitted to hold root account credentials.
Dulles Technology Partners can migrate client legacy data. Dulles Technology Partners will work with the client to establish data mapping between the old data and the WebGrants database. Once the mapping is established, Dulles Technology Partners can import the data any number of times. Multiple imports may be necessary to test and finalize the migration. The client is responsible for data cleanup, normalization, data definition, data mapping and regular assistance for Dulles Technology Partners staff with the migration process.
Dulles Technology Partners has integrated WebGrants with a wide assortment of client back-office systems including financial accounting systems, single sign on systems, CRM systems, document management systems, website lookups, data posting and other integrations. The most common form of integration is with financial accounting systems. We have integrated WebGrants with many different systems including Oracle, PeopleSoft, Great Plains, Sage, Mainframe systems, CGI financial systems and many others. For single sign on, we have integrated with both Active Directory and LDAP systems. For CRM systems, we have integrated with Microsoft CRM and others. For document management systems, we have integrated with SharePoint and other systems.
The grantee or external user experience is rich and full featured. Interested users can self-register with the system. Once approved they will receive their user id and password via email. Inside the system the user has access to a dashboard to lists all important events and upcoming deadline dates. Users can view all currently posted opportunities. They can create a new application, complete and submit the application online from within the system. Users will receive automated email alerts of submissions, deadlines, awards, status changes and other important events. Once awarded, the grantee can manage their grants within the system. They can submit periodic progress reports, submit reimbursement and payment claims. View their contract, submit contract amendment requests, view site visit documents, view closeout schedules and other information. The status of all claims and other submissions is always visible to the grantee. The grantee can also generate and export data from the system in the form of reports and other export files.
All documents are part of a workflow. An inherent workflow exists over the entire grant management lifecycle. Then each document type has its own workflow. A unique workflow exists for opportunities, applications, reviews, grants, status reports, claims and all other documents. All workflows within the system are flexible and configurable. Examples of workflow parameters include the staff involved, the security access rights of those staff, the number of approval levels, branching logic for dollar amount thresholds, negotiation/correcting processes, exception cases and others. Workflows can be configured on a global level and for each program area. Some workflow parameters can also be set on a per funding opportunity basis. Exception cases and unique departures are also supported on a case-by-case basis.
Configurable dashboards are supported in the WebGrants system. Dashboards will display work that has been routed to specific users. In addition, dashboards will display rollup, statistical information for management, staff or grantees. Dashboards can be configured on a per user basis. What information a person sees on their dashboard is configurable on an individual basis and users can sort the data in a specific order.
The People and Organization modules are a full contact management system built into the WebGrants system. People can be added as WebGrants users or as contacts. Once in the system, staff can send emails, alerts, distribution lists and other communications. Contacts can be collected, managed and organized within the WebGrants system. All users have roles and strict security access defined in the system. External users can be added by staff, or they can register and added to the system via a new user approval process. Users can be deactivated or temporarily disabled and reenabled by program staff. All changes are logged in the audit log.
People are associated to organizations. A single person can belong to one or more organizations and a single organization can have many members. Each organization has a profile with many profile fields including the name, address, contact information, website and others. Clients can customize the organization profile and add any number of additional fields to the profile using the form creator tool. The organization information can be updated by both internal staff and the external organization members. The data from the organization will auto copy into the application, grant and other documents.
Awards are money that is received by the client. This money can come from the federal, state or local government or from private contributions. Each award has a profile in the system. This profile includes additional information about the award like the award number, name, amount, type, benefactor, CFDA number, start/end dates and other data. Once the award is created, staff can subdivide the award into one or more fund sources. Each fund source can be used for grants, loans or internal administration. Each fund source has a coding block or a path to the client’s financial accounting system where this money exists. Staff associates one or more fund sources with each awarded grant and commits a certain amount to fund the grant. The funds in each fund source are used to pay the grantee when the grantee submits claims. Grants can be funded from a single source or multiple sources. The percentage of money awarded, allocated, spent and unspent is displayed per fund source.
Funding opportunities can be posted for each program area. There is no limit to the number of FOs that can be posted at one time. Grantees can view all the posted FOs in the system. If they choose, they can apply to one or more FOs. Each FO can have a completely unique application document that the grantee completes and submits within the system. Funding opportunities can be posted for a specific date range, or they can be posted indefinitely. When the end date is reached, the system will shut down the FO and late submissions will not be allowed.
WebGrants contains a complete online application process. Staff can post funding opportunities online for prospective applicants to view. An applicant can create an application by starting a new application or by copying the contents of an old application. Staff can define a 1 or 2 stage application process with a pre-application followed by a final application or just a single final application process. Application forms are created and maintained by client administrators using the form creator tool. Using this tool staff can dictate the questions asked on the forms, they can define the instructions, questions and answer format; whether questions are required or optional, the data type required (date, text, number, drop down, percentage, etc.), any branching logic, maximum length of the answer, any mathematical calculations, and other business rules. There is no limit to the length and complexity of the application.
Users can develop their line itemized budgets in the system. Users can define budget line items like salaries, equipment, travel, etc. Not only can they enter various numbers and perform calculations, but they can also define the overall layout and structure of the budget itself. By using the form creator tool, users can define their own budget forms and templates. Once these are defined, users can enter numbers and perform mathematical calculations, subtotals, and totals. Once a budget is developed, it can be copied. For example, if the budget is developed in the application, it can be easily copied into the grant. There is no need for any data reentry. Budgets can be unique to a particular program area, grant competition or an individual grant. Budgets can also be created at a global level where all documents use the same budget.
WebGrants supports a full lifecycle system including the ability to assign reviews to applications. The Panels module allows staff to define users as reviewers and then assign those reviewers applications to review. WebGrants also supports a Conflict-of-Interest Process and a full application evaluation process with customizable review forms and automated scoring and reporting of average scores. WebGrants fully supports the application review process and workflow. Applicants submit their applications online through the system. Staff then routes the applications to various reviewers. Each assignment has a due date. Reviewers can then read each assigned application and they can enter their scores and comments online through online evaluation forms. WebGrants will average all reviewer scores for each application and present the list of applications sorted by score. Staff can then determine the awarded and not awarded applications. WebGrants can then send out award letters and receive electronic signatures.
WebGrants contains a comprehensive grant management module called grant tracking for all post award management activities. Each grant is subdivided into many components. Components are used to track various aspects of the grant like the budget, objectives, scope of work, progress reports, payments, contracts, site visits, contract amendments and any other required monitoring or oversite. All the forms associated with a grant are created by the administrator using the form creator tool. All aspects of the grant are user defined and setup according to unique workflows and business rules. Data and forms can flow through the grant management process without the need for any data reentry. Application forms like the scope of work and the budget will copy automatically into the grant. Also, once in the grant, these forms can copy automatically to the status reports and claims. Meaning that objectives, goals and accomplishments promised in the application can seamlessly transfer to the grantee progress reports without any manual intervention. User defined business rules enforce grantee compliance and built-in automated alerts keep both internal and external staff reminded of all important due dates.
The WebGrants contract module allows staff to define any number of contract templates within the system. These templates can contain both boilerplate text and dynamic data mappings to grant data such as the grantee’s name, budget amounts, scope of work, delivery schedule and other data. Once this document is defined, this document can be generated for each individual grant. Staff can then further edit the contract. The contract can be routed for signature within the system. Both internal staff and the grantee can sign the document electronically within the system. The contract can be printed in both HTML and PDF formats.
The WebGrants software allows clients to design and define unique status reports that require grantees to periodically report upon both financial and non-financial progress. These status reports can include key performance indicators, programmatic progress reporting and compliance. The status report is created using the form creator tool. Clients can configure the reports themselves at any time. Data from the application, grant and other documents can be automatically copied to the status report. Automated email alerts remind the grantee to submit the reports. This process allows for project progress report monitoring.
Claims in the system can be for reimbursements, advance payments or lump sum payments. All claims are based upon the budget as the budget is defined in the grant. The system will automatically copy the budget format from the grant into the claim. The grantee will enter their expense information into specific fields for expenses this period and matching information. Other fields like the fields copied form the budget are not editable for the grantee. The grantee can enter their expenses this period for each budget line item. The system will enforce business rules like the grantee cannot request more money than is available in the entire budget, or they cannot request more money than what is available in a budget line item, or the grantee can request up to 10% more than what is in a single budget line item if they do not exceed the overall budget amount. The claim can also be customized using the form creator and the grantee can attach any number of electronic files as backup documentation.
Contract amendments are a standard component of the grant. Amendments can be used for making changes to any aspect of the grant. The amendment document can be created by the grantee or by internal staff. The amendment can be created to extend the grant duration, modify the budget, change the scope of work or for any other reason. This document is routed through a multi-level internal approval process. Once approved, staff can make the requested changes to any aspect of the grant.
WebGrants supports a complete site visit process. Staff can define site visit forms that will be used in the site visit process via the form creator. Once created these forms can be assigned to staff to enter site visit information. Forms can be sent to the grantee prior to the site visit to prepare them for the pending site visit. The site visitor can also be assigned forms to complete and a due date for when the site visit must be completed. The site visitor will enter their information and submit the documents. Staff can then review the forms and the data. Staff can also assign site visit forms to the grantee after the site visit to request corrections and remediations to any findings. This process can be repeated any number of times on a single project.
The inventory module allows clients to track equipment, supplies, vehicles, capital purchases, homes and other types of data in the system. Inventory items can be added to the system independent of an application or a grant. Once added, the inventory item can be associated with an application or a grant. Inventory documents can be defined in the form creator. Each type of inventory item can have its own forms. For example, a vehicle may track different information from office equipment. Inventory items can be reused over time and tracked within the system. Other data that is tracked for each inventory item includes current location, compliance, monitoring, planning, expenses, acquisition, maintenance and disposal.
The WebGrants software supports over 90 different automated email alerts. These emails are sent under a wide range of business rules. An automated email alert is sent to the applicant when the applicant submits their application and other alerts are sent as the status of the application changes. The admin can configure the text in all email alerts. The admin can edit the boilerplate text and can insert variables that resolve when the email is sent. This allows the email to include information like the recipient's name, application title, status, due date and other dynamic information.
Award letters can be generated directly from the system via award letter templates. Templates are created and maintained by the administrator. Within the template users can define variable placeholders. These placeholders will resolve to the actual data when the template is used for a specific grant. These variable placeholders can be used to bring in contact information, budget data, funding source information, scope of work and other data. The system will thus generate a fully formed document. This document can then be emailed or printed or saved as a PDF or Word document.
WebGrants contains both standard and ad hoc reports. Any field in the system can be reporting on in the reporting module. Any field in the system can be used as filter criteria. Users can specify parameters like filtering, sorting, grouping, subtotaling and others. Reports can be exported to a wide variety of formats like PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, CSV, XML, JSON and others. Reports can generate tabular data but also graphics like pie charts or bar charts.
The WebGrants software contains a powerful form creator tool that allows staff to create and define their own forms, fields, business rules and workflows. The software allows users to create their own fields. These fields can have many different parameters like required/optional, text or numbers, maximum characters and others. Since every client will require different fields and different forms, WebGrants is a blank canvas upon which different clients can develop different data reporting requirements. Once configured, the WebGrants software will be tailored specifically for the client and will incorporate all client specific data elements and business rules.
WebGrants has full role-based security access rights defined by the system administer. The system admin creates all security roles based upon about 160 different security privileges. Once the role is defined, the role can be assigned to any user. A single user can have one or more roles. Roles can be defined for the system administrator, client staff, reviewers and applicants.
Dulles Technology Partners is available to provide telephone, email, and on-site support for the client’s WebGrants installation. Dulles Technology Partners will maintain and support the base WebGrants code, and all tailoring and configurations applied during the configuration phase of this project if an Annual Maintenance and Support plan is purchased. Dulles Technology Partners is available Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 6 pm. Our response time is 2 hours.
Dulles Technology Partners will provide full system training for all staff on full system usage and maintenance. Dulles Technology Partners personnel will conduct on-site training at client’s facilities or offsite training via web conference before final software deployment. Dulles Technology Partners will utilize WebGrants software and data that mirrors the production system. A qualified WebGrants instructor who is familiar with client’s specific requirements and functionality will conduct training. Training will occur in a classroom setting covering all major modules and functionality of WebGrants. The instructor will lead the class through exercises that provide real world scenarios. One-on-one interaction with students will be provided as needed during the classes. The Dulles Technology Partners trainer will deliver the course outline for each training session before the training day. This document will contain an outline of the training areas and exercises to be conducted during the class. This information will be customized to meet the specific training needs of the client.
Dulles Technology Partners uses Amazon AWS EC2 hosting as described by this link: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/details/ also, Dulles Technology Partners uses Amazon AWS EBS for storage as described by this link https://aws.amazon.com/ebs/details/
Dulles Technology Partners offers FedRAMP compliant hosting with Amazon AWS GovGloud (US). AWS GovCloud (US) is an isolated AWS region designed to host sensitive data and regulated workloads in the cloud. Dulles Technology Partners uses this service to help customers support their US government compliance requirements, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) requirements. AWS services the region with U.S. persons, the region is built on U.S. soil, and only vetted U.S. persons are permitted to hold root account credentials.
Dulles Technology Partners will migrate all client legacy data. Dulles Technology Partners will work with the client to establish data mapping between the old data and the WebGrants database. Once the mapping is established, Dulles Technology Partners can import the data any number of times. Multiple imports may be necessary to test and finalize the migration. The client is responsible for data cleanup, normalization, data definition, data mapping and regular assistance for Dulles Technology Partners staff with the migration process.
Dulles Technology Partners has integrated WebGrants with a wide assortment of client back-office systems including financial accounting systems, single sign on systems, CRM systems, document management systems, website lookups, data posting and other integrations. The most common form of integration is with financial accounting systems. We have integrated WebGrants with many different systems including Oracle, PeopleSoft, Great Plains, Sage, Mainframe systems, CGI financial systems and many others. For single sign on, we have integrated with both Active Directory and LDAP systems. For CRM systems, we have integrated with Microsoft CRM and others. For document management systems, we have integrated with SharePoint and other systems.
The grantee or external user experience is rich and full featured. Interested users can self-register with the system. Once approved they will receive their user id and password via email. Inside the system the user has access to a dashboard to lists all important events and upcoming deadline dates. Users can view all currently posted opportunities. They can create a new application, complete and submit the application online from within the system. Users will receive automated email alerts of submissions, deadlines, awards, status changes and other important events. Once awarded, the grantee can manage their grants within the system. They can submit periodic progress reports, submit reimbursement and payment claims. View their contract, submit contract amendment requests, view site visit documents, view closeout schedules and other information. The status of all claims and other submissions is always visible to the grantee. The grantee can also generate and export data from the system in the form of reports and other export files.