State & Local Governments

Over the last 20 years Dulles Technology Partners has worked extensively with state and local governments. Dulles Technology Partners has implemented hundreds of unique state and local government funded grant programs. WebGrants has the capability and the flexibility to support unique and diverse grant programs that are unlike any other programs. All of the unique business rules, workflows, forms and exceptions can be easily configured and supported by the system. A sample of the state and local programs we have implemented in the past is listed below:
State & Local Programs Implemented

- Accessibility Grants
- Addiction Recovery Grant Program
- Arts & Culture Program Area
- Basic Civil Legal Services (BCLS)
- Bridge and Road Safety Program
- Broadband Grant Program
- Cannabis Restoration Grant Program
- Child Abuse Prevention Fund
- Child Nutrition & Food Distribution
- Civil Rights
- Community Center Investment Program
- Community Flood Preparedness Fund
- Computer Science Professional Development Incentive Fund
- Cultural Affairs Grants
- Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grant Program
- Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)
- Ending Homelessness
- Farm to School
- Festival, Parade & Celebration Grants
- Fisheries Restoration Grant Program
- Gambling Treatment & Prevention
- Get Outdoors Fund
- Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Higher Education Fund
- Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau
- Great Trails State Program
- Healthy Neighborhoods Venture Fund
- Historic Preservation Tax Credit
- HIV, STI and Hepatitis Services
- Homeless Children and Youth
- Housing Counseling and Education
- Intercity Bus Grant Program
- Investment Tax Credits
- Jail Mental Health Program
- Lead Hazard Control
- Legal Aid
- Library Grants
- Litter Grant Program
- Living Wetlands
- Local Food Purchase Assistance Program

- Accessibility Grants
- Addiction Recovery Grant Program
- Arts & Culture Program Area
- Basic Civil Legal Services (BCLS)
- Bridge and Road Safety Program
- Broadband Grant Program
- Cannabis Restoration Grant Program
- Child Abuse Prevention Fund
- Child Nutrition & Food Distribution
- Civil Rights
- Community Center Investment Program
- Community Flood Preparedness Fund
- Computer Science Professional Development Incentive Fund
- Cultural Affairs Grants
- Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grant Program
- Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)
- Ending Homelessness
- Farm to School
- Festival, Parade & Celebration Grants
- Fisheries Restoration Grant Program
- Gambling Treatment & Prevention
- Get Outdoors Fund
- Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Higher Education Fund
- Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau
- Great Trails State Program
- Healthy Neighborhoods Venture Fund
- Historic Preservation Tax Credit
- HIV, STI and Hepatitis Services
- Homeless Children and Youth
- Housing Counseling and Education
- Intercity Bus Grant Program
- Investment Tax Credits
- Jail Mental Health Program
- Lead Hazard Control
- Legal Aid
- Library Grants
- Litter Grant Program
- Living Wetlands
- Local Food Purchase Assistance Program
- Local Violent Crime Prevention Grant
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission
- Neighborhood Matching Fund
- Neighborhood Stabilization Program
- Nonprofit Innovation Assistance
- Noxious Weed Trust Fund
- Operating Support
- Pregnancy Assistance Fund
- Preschool Development Grant
- Public Health
- Public Transit Rideshare
- Rent Relief Program
- Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
- Rooftop Solar Challenge
- Safer Communities Grant Program
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
- State Crisis Intervention Program
- State Drug Task Force Grant
- Stop School Violence Program
- Storm Water Management Grant
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
- State Crisis Intervention Program
- State Drug Task Force Grant
- Stop School Violence Program
- Storm Water Management Grant
- Student Loan Assistance Program
- Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment
- Supplemental Off-Highway Recreation Fund
- Tax Credit Bridge Loan
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
- Trade Show Assistance
- Trail Stewardship Grant Program
- Vacant Building Fund
- Water Efficiency Grant Program
- Wetland Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grant Program
- Workers' Compensation
- Workforce Development Training
- Workforce Housing Tax Credits
- Zero-emissions Access Grant Program

- Local Violent Crime Prevention Grant
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission
- Neighborhood Matching Fund
- Neighborhood Stabilization Program
- Nonprofit Innovation Assistance
- Noxious Weed Trust Fund
- Operating Support
- Pregnancy Assistance Fund
- Preschool Development Grant
- Public Health
- Public Transit Rideshare
- Rent Relief Program
- Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
- Rooftop Solar Challenge
- Safer Communities Grant Program
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
- State Crisis Intervention Program
- State Drug Task Force Grant
- Stop School Violence Program
- Storm Water Management Grant
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
- State Crisis Intervention Program
- State Drug Task Force Grant
- Stop School Violence Program
- Storm Water Management Grant
- Student Loan Assistance Program
- Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment
- Supplemental Off-Highway Recreation Fund
- Tax Credit Bridge Loan
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
- Trade Show Assistance
- Trail Stewardship Grant Program
- Vacant Building Fund
- Water Efficiency Grant Program
- Wetland Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grant Program
- Workers' Compensation
- Workforce Development Training
- Workforce Housing Tax Credits
- Zero-emissions Access Grant Program

WebGrants provides you with the best platform to easily manage your grants to maximize State and Local Government grant funding and minimize all the hassle.