WebGrants is a Comprehensive
Grant Management System

Dulles Technology Partners has been in business since 1999 and has sold the WebGrants software since 2001. Dulles Technology Partners has implemented the WebGrants software hundreds of times at various government levels including the federal, state, local and city level plus also for colleges, universities and non-profits and foundations. Our software is mature and robust and completely handles the grant management workflows for clients without any need for customization or enhancements to the core software. Dulles Technology Partners has implemented WebGrants for clients in almost all US States. We have the knowledge and understanding of the grant program to effectively implement the forms, workflows and business rules that are required from the grant program. WebGrants is Dulles Technology Partners’s only product and we are 100% dedicated to this software and will continue to refine and enhance the system for the foreseeable future.
Grant Giving
WebGrants is a full lifecycle grants management system. It is a web-based system that allows grant makers to post opportunities online. Prospective applicants can register with the system then view the posted opportunities. The applicant can then create an application, complete the application and submit the application online. Staff can then view the submitted applications and assign the applications to reviewers. Reviewers can log into the system and view the assigned applications. They can then complete online evaluation forms and submit those forms. Internal staff can then view the results of that review process and they can award or reject each application. Awarded applications will become grants in the system. WebGrants will then maintain a budget, scope of work and other information about the grant. The grantee can submit periodic status reports and payment requests. Staff can conduct site visits and process contract amendments. All grant monitoring activities are encapsulated by the system until project closeout. WebGrants also has comprehensive reporting with ad hoc reports, alerts, dashboards, role-based security and other features to support the grant management lifecycle.
Grant Receiving
WebGrants also supports a complete internal grant process where the client is the grantee and is seeking funds from a benefactor. WebGrants by default integrates with Grants.gov and downloads all opportunities posted to grants.gov. Staff can search these opportunities and copy them into the potential opportunities module. The potential opportunities module allows staff to route the opportunity internally to gain consensus on whether to pursue the opportunity. If the consensus is to pursue the opportunity, then staff can create an application. This application can be routed to authors to complete the various sections of the application. Once completed, the application can be routed for internal approval through various levels of approval. After submission, if the application is successful and the grant is awarded, staff can create an internal grant. The grant creation process consists of two steps: an award creation and a grant creation. The award is created from the application. The award is the financial management aspect of the system. From the award, staff can create fund sources which are used to fund grants. From the application, staff can also create a grant. The grant is where all the grant management activity will be recorded. Here staff can allocate personnel to the grant, define tasks and setup work. Both internal and external staff can record their time on the project through an online timesheet module. Staff can define a budget for the grant. Staff can also define the status report and claim schedule. The system will send alerts to internal staff when these reports are due.